Sudarykite sutartį patys 24/7


Benefits you get

Responsiveness Standard

Responsiveness Standard

We return calls within 1 business hour, and respond to emails within 1 business day.

Tips and Reminders

Tips and Reminders

Each month, we inform you about the most important tax updates.

Internal and External Audit

Internal and External Audit

Our auditors review the accounting of the companies we manage annually.



We store data backups in Lithuania and the Netherlands, and connect to systems with dual authentication.

Document Templates

Document Templates

We provide necessary documents for operations: civil service, car rental, employment contracts, orders, etc.

Free Consultations

Free Consultations

You can consult for 2 hours each month.

Mobile App

Mobile App

You can manage your documents and contact your accountant.

Access to Accounting Software

Access to Accounting Software

You can issue invoices, manage inventory accounting, integrate it with an e-store, etc.

Transparent and Fair Pricing

Transparent and Fair Pricing

Along with the invoice, you receive a detailed work report.

Flexibility and Less Obligation for You

Flexibility and Less Obligation for You

You can sign a contract online 24/7 and terminate it at any time.

„Buhalterė“ programėlė

  • Valdykite apskaitos dokumentus
  • Susisiekite su buhalteriu
  • Sužinokite svarbiausias mokesčių naujoves

We are trusted by 
1317 clients

All reviews

We appreciate our cooperation with PLC buhalterė because it is always a pleasure to work with professionals in their field. We receive accurate and reasoned answers to all questions, the accounting is handled carefully and in a timely manner. As seasonality has a significant impact on our company, we particularly welcome the flexible payment option, where the price of accounting services depends on the amount of accounting documents. We sincerely thank PLC buhalterė and Danuta Mendelienė, who works with us the most.

MB OG rings
Dir. J. Žeruolytė

I am very satisfied with the work of PLC buhalterė team. 10/10. Competent and prompt management, professional and accurate staff. I’ve always got answers to all my queries. I’m happy with the advise on how to handle issues and what to pay my attention at. I feel safe knowing that all will be done well and on time as required. Thanks to the whole team and especially to Diana, Rūta and Laimis!

VŠĮ Camane
Dir. S. Gerdauskas

Managing a company sometimes feels like sailing a yacht at sea. Every day is different, and hurricanes are replaced by calm. Only with a good team can you overcome difficulties and move forward. We are glad that our team includes Natalia, who helps us to sail our yacht forward. Thanks to the team of PLC buhalterė

UAB Archyvo naikinimo paslaugos
Dir. M. Baltrūnienė

I am pleased with the professional accountant (Danutė Svirskaitė) assigned to me, her pleasant communication and phone consultations.

MB Piritas
Dir. G. Krištopaitis